Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week 8 - guest starring Jay!

It's Jay!

We swear we are not running a dog-fighting ring.

Bailey and Jay in combat.

Something has caught their attention.

It's a stick! The chase is on.

Happy Jay!

Finally these two are starting to have some quiet moments of play.

Nope! Back to tug-of-war! But it used to be they were so into wrestling each other that they paid no attention to any sort of toys we brought out.

And some more wrestling to finish off the day.

Week 8 - Bailey sniffs u

Bailey likes to smell and lick and nibble you, including when you have a camera in front of your face. But don't feel bad when he prefers licking the ground. The ground is delicious.

Week 8 - bad Bailey

Bailey always wants to eat the pulls for our blinds. In general, he likes all dangle-y strings, or things on strings. It's sort of cat-like.

Week 8 - pensive Bailey

Bailey likes to look out the window while resting his head on the sill. It makes him look introspective.

Too much flash

Strange sort-of-sleeping position #05

This is more or less the flying squirrel position, except for Bailey is awake here. So this is the alert-flying-squirrel.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Week 8 - on a walk

At one point, he was scared of them, but now Bailey LOVES chasing pigeons! He is also beginning to be intrigued by squirrels.

Bailey loves going home. He used to try to TEAR home as fast as he could. He'd be so happy to go outside, but once there, he'd try to run back home. Once we were 1–2 blocks away, he gave in until we started heading home, at which point he practically pulled us there. Now he's gotten over that. But he's still plenty happy to go inside again.

Week 8 - big Bailey!

Wow he looks huge in this photo. He's not nearly as big as he appears to be.
Bailey is very happy to unexpectedly meet people he likes during his walks.

Week 8 - it's like we have a cat...that barks at things outside the window

He looks especially like a cat when he sits like this in front of the window.

Strange sleeping position #04

This is the suspicious-gaze-with-head-hanging-out-of-bed position. Bailey likes his nice bed but also likes sleeping on the floor. Sometimes half of him is in the bed, and half of him is on the floor. He also likes attacking the bed, and taking the pillow out and sleeping on that on the floor. He has unusual and very specific bedding preferences.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 6 - Bailey is growing

Bailey is growing!

Bailey looking handsome.

Week 5 - the window is the new cool spot

Bailey has learned that he loves looking out the window and barking at things, like people, dogs, and especially his brother Jay. But he's also very interested in what you are doing with that camera.

Strange sleeping position #03

Curled up against a pair of shoes.
Sometimes he looks like a little cat. He stretches like a cat when he wakes up too. We're told that his brother Jay does the same stretch.

Strange sleeping position #02

This is the half-curled-up-half-laying-flat position.

Strange sleeping position #01

Bailey has a lot of weird sleeping/laying down positions.
This is the twisted flying squirrel position.

Week 2 - more adventurous walks

Bailey enjoys a drink at a water fountain.

Handsome little Bailey watching something calmly.

Crazy blurry Bailey!

Time for some chasing!

A happy dog.

Bailey + Jay = wrestlemania

Bailey says: Gimme Jay! Errlkk! Something's choking me!
Jay is one of Bailey's brothers, and lives three doors down from Bailey. This is what Jay and Bailey do whenever they see each other: run full force at one another.


Wrestlemania. So far, Jay has continued to hold a few pounds over Bailey, so these matches tend to be rather one-sided. Although Bailey would probably win for best crazed-look.


One morning he woke up and both his ears stood up! Way up. He has really giant ears. Many people have admired them.

Week 2 - new favorite spot

By week 2, Bailey's new favorite spot was this area next to the bed. We think the computer running under the desk made the desk spot too hot. He would make a little nest for himself out of this red shirt that smelled like someone he likes, and a pile of books.

Week 1 - places to relax

Bailey likes sleeping under low spaces, such as under couches, or beds. Yet he hates his crate. We're not sure about the logic behind this, though perhaps it has something to do with getting locked up in the crate...and being kept away from people, his most favorite thing.

He likes people more than the toys he has. Sometimes even more than food.

Week 1 - out on a walk

Bailey looks very happy when he's panting. We like to think he's laughing with us, but he's probably just feeling very hot.

1st favorite spot during the day

Bailey's favorite position involved being asleep at somebody's feet. So initially, his favorite spot during the day was under a desk. He also liked laying down on towels, and attacking towels, and making little nests out of towels.

1st day at home

This is Bailey on the day we adopted him. He was pretty small (about 8 lbs.). He liked cuddling a lot. If he was scared by a strange sound, if he was being held by a strange person, or if it was his first time at the vet (being held by a strange person), or if a breeze startled him, he would cuddle. Basically, if he didn't know what was going on, then he would resort to cuddling.

Meet Bailey

Meet Bailey. He's some sort of cute mutt (terrier mix we think).
He's about 10 weeks old in this photo. He likes hanging out with people. Dogs are even better.

We figure one half of him is terrier, but we're not sure what the other half is (border collie is our best guess so far). He was rescued by PAWS Chicago. He is one of a 4-puppy litter. His brother Jay lives three doors down.