Saturday, December 26, 2009

@ 21 months: Bailey luvs roof deck + snow

Bailey says: Just five more minutes, I swear.

Friday, December 25, 2009

@ 21 months: Bailey is in the kitchen...for some reason...

When Bailey comes back from a walk and goes straight to the kitchen with his leash still on, you know something tasty is going down. Perhaps it's eggs, and panettone French toast:

OK, to be honest, it was the bacon. Sadly, we have no photo of the delicious, worth-keeping-your-leash-on bacon.

Friday, December 18, 2009

@ 20 months: Bailey the bed monster

This is how it starts:

And this is how it ends:

So [not] innocent.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

@ 21 months: action shots in the snow

Bailey's hips were pretty good at this point, and some time ago, our contact at PAWS requested some action shots, so finally, here we go:

Bailey looks dubious about whether he'll fetch the ball this time. He's fickle on how he feels about fetching (wrestling or being chased are the preferred forms of exercise), but he took a liking to this old tennis ball we found in the park.

Take off:

On the return:

Launching into a turn:

Ball in mouth:

Sometimes we drop the ball a little early:

All feet in the air:

Running at full speed:

Friday, December 4, 2009

@ 20 months: Bailey would luv to munch on those rib bones, please

A Bailey head nuzzling or resting on your leg = you have something tasty which he would like to partake in.