Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bailey's first road trip: day 4

Are we there yet?

Bailey enjoys the view. He seems to know that today is different.

The Bailey monster.

Bailey wants to move up front. Again.

Someone gets a snack on the road.

[Most of] all of us:

The Inspector checks over our final destination:

Gotta check over the patio wall:

Rawhide + dog bed makes any place feel like home:

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bailey's first road trip: day 3

Bailey watches the desert go by:

Bailey the Investigator checks the room over in Tehachapi, California:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bailey's first road trip: day 2

At an Oklahoma rest stop:

Someone wants to sneak a snack:

Bailey luvs long indoor running spaces. He's settling into the routine of a new stop each night, although we wonder if he thinks we're homeless or on the lam.

Bailey waits [not quite as patiently as this looks] outside a convenience store.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bailey's first road trip: day 1

Bailey's digs in the car:

Bailey would like to join u in the front of the car please:

Bailey becomes dubious of the situation (he did spend a little while facing the back of the car):

Bailey investigates at a southern Illinois gas station:

A sleepy puppy in cargo:

While he seemed to enjoy sniffing everything in the lobby and under every single door, Bailey spent a good while whimpering and hanging by the room door. He might think we can go back out the door and go home.

Bedtime in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Finally, Bailey is appeased by the king-sized bed.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bailey's first road trip: pre-trip

Farewell, Chicago, we're headed to California. We're about to test just how much Bailey loves the car.

Bailey at the in-laws; little does he know what awaits him:

Bed-monstering at the in-laws:

The head of the bed is the best: