Saturday, February 19, 2011

@ 2 years, 11 months: Bailey luvs gifts in the mail

Today, Bailey received a gift in the mail (Christmas gift courtesy of my father-in-law). He likes it very much:

He likes holding and gnawing on it (on his Bailey-made moving-blanket-bed):

He likes waiting for it. Ok, not really.

He loves tug-of-war with it:

He sniffs it...

he grabs it...

and he disappears with it:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

@ 2 years, 10.5 months: Bailey luvs his squeaky pink elephant

Today I picked up some heartworm, and flea & tick medication for Bailey and the vet gave us a choice of a free toy. The pink elephant was clearly the frontrunner. It was almost too cute to give to Bailey. Almost.

My dog has killer instincts: the first move is to go in for the jugular. You have to subdue your prey.

He goes at it for a while then I decide we need another Kodak moment. Wait for it.....

Wait for it..... [I'm sure the elephant did not appreciate this tension very much. Its arms are constantly raised in submission, and yet there is no mercy.]

We unleash the beast.

A smart dog knows to turn his back on the photographer...have to keep the prop as far away as possible.

Looking cute with a mouthful of elephant:

Some reclining while thrashing:

I knew he would go for the tag. Bailey nibbles delicately:

He also digs in with gusto:

Yes, something cotton-candy-pink and fuzzy was exactly what our living room needed.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

@ 2 years, 10.5 months: Bailey luvs windows with benchs

The only space for a bench below a window is in the master bedroom, which doesn't have much of a view (it's covered by bushes), but Bailey loves it anyway.
He also looks quite sharp with a camo bandanna: