Saturday, December 26, 2009

@ 21 months: Bailey luvs roof deck + snow

Bailey says: Just five more minutes, I swear.

Friday, December 25, 2009

@ 21 months: Bailey is in the kitchen...for some reason...

When Bailey comes back from a walk and goes straight to the kitchen with his leash still on, you know something tasty is going down. Perhaps it's eggs, and panettone French toast:

OK, to be honest, it was the bacon. Sadly, we have no photo of the delicious, worth-keeping-your-leash-on bacon.

Friday, December 18, 2009

@ 20 months: Bailey the bed monster

This is how it starts:

And this is how it ends:

So [not] innocent.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

@ 21 months: action shots in the snow

Bailey's hips were pretty good at this point, and some time ago, our contact at PAWS requested some action shots, so finally, here we go:

Bailey looks dubious about whether he'll fetch the ball this time. He's fickle on how he feels about fetching (wrestling or being chased are the preferred forms of exercise), but he took a liking to this old tennis ball we found in the park.

Take off:

On the return:

Launching into a turn:

Ball in mouth:

Sometimes we drop the ball a little early:

All feet in the air:

Running at full speed:

Friday, December 4, 2009

@ 20 months: Bailey would luv to munch on those rib bones, please

A Bailey head nuzzling or resting on your leg = you have something tasty which he would like to partake in.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

@ 19 months: Bailey is very happy to see you

Bailey says: oh my god I thought you would never come back out of that coffee shop!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

@ 19 months: Bailey luvs Chase

This is Chase. He loves to run and bark at things. He is a lovely, soft, orange-red little thing who can run crazy fast.

Sadly there are no actions shots. Here's a brief reprieve between chasing each other around:

All tired out:

Monday, November 2, 2009

@ 19 months: Bailey & Pequito

We found a small, shivering chihuahua all alone on a sidewalk the morning after Halloween. It was so cold outside that we took him in, and then tried to figure out what to do after that. He had no microchip (we checked at PAWS, one of Chicago's animal rescue groups—you can do this at your vet as well) and no tags, so we posted flyers all around the neighborhood. Luckily, the very next day, we saw his owner's ad on Craigslist, and she saw our flyers, so Pequito (as we temporarily named him) was reunited with his owner pretty quickly.

Here's a nice head shot of Pequito. Bailey definitely wanted to play with him, but Pequito was a textbook chihuahua: very attached to humans, particularly if he could snuggle in our laps. He wasn't a very good pal for Bailey, but we were glad we were able to return him to his owner.

Lessons learned: Craigslist is a good place to look/post if you find/lose a pet. And even if you have an indoor pet, chip them, and have them wear tags at all times.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

@ 19 months: Bailey luvs pumpkins and the dog park

Bailey enjoys a good sniff around the pumpkin lot.

He can be good at sitting and staying now, however he looks rather disgruntled about having to pose with the pumpkins:

In fact, he is so miserable that he has to lie down:

Soooooo sad:

You wonder what would make him so sad. Maybe it's because he'd rather be on his way to...the dog park!

Bailey almost always picks one playmate who he hangs out with the whole time. Today, he had sort of a buffet of play: first he ran around and wrestled with a 4.5-month-old yellow lab mix (who was already a bit bigger than him), then he ran around with a whole bunch of dogs, and eventually he found this puppy and they wrestled and wrestled and wrestled:

A half-hour at the pumpkin lot, and an hour-and-a-half at the dog park. It was a good day.

@ 18 months: Bailey does not luv loud noises

We were moving some wiring one evening. Bailey cowered in this corner of the living room to get away from the horrific drilling noises coming from the basement.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

@ 18 months: Bailey luvs a good lookout point

Now that Bailey's hips are better, he's taken to this lookout point on the stairs, since he can curl up and fit on the step. We're told his brother Jay has been doing this for a while.

@17 months: a Bailey head in the stairwell

@ 17 months: Bailey luvs the Bucktown Arts Fest

The Bucktown Arts Fest literally happens right in front of our house. This year, we found Bailey enjoys the view from the roof deck.

Bailey surveys the terrain:

Bailey needs a little bit of a boost:

Bailey happy in the sun (sort of...eventually he gets hot and takes shelter in the shade of the table):

Hello, lady-with-bag:

Hello, small-dog-in-jacket:

Bailey stalks the fest:

Happy on the midway:

On to the rest of Bailey's 1.5 mile walk. Notice his coat is coming in nicely.

Bailey likes this nice white dog. We do too. He is HUGE. And very friendly.