Monday, November 2, 2009

@ 19 months: Bailey & Pequito

We found a small, shivering chihuahua all alone on a sidewalk the morning after Halloween. It was so cold outside that we took him in, and then tried to figure out what to do after that. He had no microchip (we checked at PAWS, one of Chicago's animal rescue groups—you can do this at your vet as well) and no tags, so we posted flyers all around the neighborhood. Luckily, the very next day, we saw his owner's ad on Craigslist, and she saw our flyers, so Pequito (as we temporarily named him) was reunited with his owner pretty quickly.

Here's a nice head shot of Pequito. Bailey definitely wanted to play with him, but Pequito was a textbook chihuahua: very attached to humans, particularly if he could snuggle in our laps. He wasn't a very good pal for Bailey, but we were glad we were able to return him to his owner.

Lessons learned: Craigslist is a good place to look/post if you find/lose a pet. And even if you have an indoor pet, chip them, and have them wear tags at all times.

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