Sunday, September 25, 2011

@ 3 years, 6 months: hanging with Tilly weekend #2

Kind of a low-key weekend. Tilly likes hanging out by me when I'm at my desk. Sometimes she likes hanging out under the desk:
Usually she lies down on the floor nearby:
Tilly often stands up on me to get my attention, which is rather cute. She did this one of her first nights, which I interpreted as a request to get me to go to bed:
Sometimes she brings a ball with her and chews on it on my leg, which is the international gesture for please-play-fetch:
Saturday movie night and we could no longer resist letting the cuddle-sized friend up on the couch. To be fair, we then had to let up the less-cuddle-sized friend as well:

Sunday breakfast and I can't get them to look at me, because they're fixated on the other one who goes into the cafe and comes back with delicious things. He is The Food Bringer:

Tilly is focused on The Food Bringer's mocha:

Bailey thinks his odds are good with me:

Food is still Tilly's priority, but Bailey spots something better...

...a puppy (you can catch a glimpse of puppy rump in the top right corner here):

Eventually, a table-ful of food is too hard to resist:

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